Ana Beltrán Porcar

Ana Beltrán Porcar

Ana Beltrán Porcar (Alcora, 1986) is an artist which main tool is painting, she also develops interdisciplinary proposals, performance and installations. 

Her projects has been exhibited in international spaces. Some exemples are Anamnesis in México; Se eno pivo, in Eslovenia; Símbolos de mujer, in Segorbe and Gijón; Retratos de Mexicali, was a series produced in México and exhibited in different cities.

She has collaborations in which music joints painting such as the work with Somtresons+A; Hits of Colour, with Marko Sorsak; scenic proposals like Dualitats, with David Moliner and Poemes de cos i d’ànima. Also works with traditional animation.

Nowadays, Beltrán is working in her artistic production, making exhibitions and multidisciplinary collaborations. She also keeps on studying and experimenting to improve her work. She keeps on exploring with different exchange courses and art residencies which she is enjoying since the beginning of her professional work: She studies and lives in Venice, where she collaborates in LVI Biennale di Venezia as O. Odita’s assistant; she studies in Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México and works in different European Artist Residencies.

Ser Present (Art in the Origin - 05/2022)

Feeling calmed, after learning how to listen, to listen to myself, to let myself be. A calm day is also a profitable day.

A moment in the world, aware of the earth that we are.

Touching, feeling, to observe, to love, to listen, to breathe.

Turn off the noise to be able to be, to be able to stay.

Connect with the spirit that has gone before us, with the spirit of nature and magic. Connect with the energies that surround us. Discover what is in us, what comes with us in every step of life. Connect with who we are.

Count, meditate, sew, listen, collect, welcome... To look with the heart. To share with the earth.

Feeling the beats of each breath of air that fills us while we feel each texture of our surroundings.

Each piece is a being that tells us a story. Elements like us, company on the way.

The stone and the feather, the leaf and the glass, the flower and the moss, the trunk, the seaweed, the hand, the neck, the foot, the body... the world. The world and me.

The life, the air and the word.

Ser Present (Being Present) is a project that is made up of several series.

Collige Rosas talks about collecting, how we observe and how we value the present. It is a Latin phrase extracted from a verse that encourages young women to live now to “Harvest the roses" taking advantage of youth and beauty before it withers.

Cos i Companyia shows us the proximity of the earth and the strength of the textures around us, the contact, the senses...

Kairós tells us about time. We always look for the moment and sometimes we forget the importance of now. Kairós reminds us that we can look for that time and slow it down, make it our own, intimate.

Ser Present (text in the original language)

Em sent en calma, després d’un treball d’aprenentatge per escoltar, per escoltar-me, per deixar-me ser. Un dia de calma també és un dia profitós.

Una estona al món, conscients de la terra que som.

Tocar, sentir, observar, estimar, escoltar, respirar.

Apagar el soroll per poder ser, per poder estar.

Connectar-se amb l’esperit que ens ha precedit, amb l’esperit de la natura i la magia. Connectar amb les energies que ens envolten. Descobrir què hi ha en nosaltres, què ens acompanya a cada pas de la vida. Connectar amb qui som.

Contar, meditar, comptar, cosir, escoltar, recollir, acollir… Mirar amb el cor. Compartir amb la terra.

Sentir els batecs del pit amb cada glopada d’aire que ens plena mentre sentim cada textura del que ens envolta.

Cada peça és un ésser que ens conta una història. Elements com nosaltres, companyia en el camí.

La pedra i la ploma, la fulla i el vidre, la flor i la molsa, el tronc, l’alga, la mà, el coll, el peu, el cos… el món. El món i jo.

La vida, l’aire i la paraula.


Ser Present és un projecte que es composa de varies sèries.

Collige Rosas parla de la recol·lecció, de com observem i com valorem el present. És una locució llatina extreta d’un vers que anima a les joves a viure l’ara “Cull les roses” aprofitant la joventut i la bellesa abans que marceixi.

Cos i Companyia ens mostra la proximitat de la terra i la força de les textures del nostre voltant, el contacte, els sentits…

Kairós ens parla del temps. Sempre busquem el moment i de vegades ens oblidem de la importancia de l’ara. Kairós ens recorda que podem buscar eixe temps i alentir-lo, fer-lo nostre, intim, propi. 

Collige Rosas

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Cos i Companyia


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