Malisa Sales

Malisa Sales

Born in Buenos Aires (Argentina). She began her path in visual art through textile art, an experience that led her to the search for textures. Her paintings, engravings, artist books and lithographs have participated in national and international exhibitions and fairs: Argentine Embassy in Washington -USA, Metanoia Gallery Paris- France, The Brick Lane London - England, Venice-Italy, Xilon Osterich-Austria, CC Pompano Miami, North Librery - USA, Paradigmas Contemporáneos-Mexico, Ancestors, Suances, Cantabria-Spain. Graphic Art- USA Miradas Obragráfica Suances, Cantabria/Spain, Líneas de vida Austria/Argentina, Infancia/ Kindheit Austria/Argentina, Watergate Gallery Washington USA, IDB Staff Art Gallery Washington, USA.

International fairs: Fig2024 Bilbao-Spain, Milan-Italy, New York USA, Feria del Este -Uruguay. FIG2022 Bilbao -Bilbao Spain Fair, Estampa 2023, Madrid, Spain.

Since 2003, he has participated in ArtBa Argentina.

In Argentina, Museum of Fine Arts of Tandil, Palais de Glace, Ática Gallery, Rómulo Raggio Museum Argentina.

Suns and Shadows  (Ancestors 2024 - 03/2024)

From the beginning of the exciting journey through humanity

the essence of human beings was to Change.

In search of food, shelter, refuge, new suns…

Elyasa from another place, stitch by stitch unites, intertwines

experiences and emotions with her Ancestors.

New suns…

This artist's book was made by Malisa Sales with texts of her authorship. It was published in Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina in April 2024.

It consists of ten pages printed on 148 gr paper and seven on tracing paper.

This edition consists of five copies numbered and signed by the artist.

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Suns and Shadows (Text in the audio)

From the beginning of the exciting journey through humanity

the essence of human beings was to Change.

In search of food, shelter, refuge, new suns…

Elyasa from another place, stitch by stitch unites, intertwines

experiences and emotions with her Ancestors.

New suns…

Unexpected gift  (text in the audio)

And one day Elyasa opened her eyes. Amazed, she received an unexpected gift. Very valuable. Very, very valuable.

It didn't come wrapped in colored paper or ribbons.

Nor in a pretentious box.

Elyasa had never had such an experience!

Carefully she took it in her hands, slowly. They were accompanying her, teaching her how to make it her own.

And when she learned, she left very happy with her gift under her arm. Taking care not to stumble or lose it along the way.

Dazzled, incredulous, learning to savor it.

Slowly like with an ice-cream. Spoonful by spoonful.

Elyasa always gave gifts in special situations, but the one she received was better than all. She had been given TIME!!

So her determination was to enjoy such a valuable gift, to put it to good use.

And so her life goes on, enjoying even the storms, thunder, lightning. Because she knows that in a little while there will be a beautiful rainbow.

And the day came  (text in the audio)

And the day came. The perfectly packed boxes left. The house was quiet.

In silence Elyasa put a cloth on the floor, she placed her true treasures, the important ones.

What she had lived, enjoyed, cried, celebrated. Having loved and being loved. The projects, the dreams.

She tied it with a bow, picked it up and hugged it tightly, tightly because it was the most important thing: The Life Lived.

She left with emotion on the surface, without looking back. Sure of her decision.

And the day came. And she saw the same furniture, she arranged it and also her daily belongings.. And in a very special place the truly important thing: the life lived!

And new dawns arrived, with colors that slowly manifested themselves. Growing on the horizon. And threatening skies. Storms with imposing lightning, thunder that rumbled loudly. And finally the most beautiful rainbow she had ever seen.

Its perfect arch showing its colors! And with a forecast of good weather! A good omen for starting something unknown.

Elyasa and time  (text in the audio)

Distance influenced her decision to change.

She was building this new stage, enjoying the gift she had received: Time

The surprises began! To which she was not accustomed!

One afternoon she was on her balcony, she heard voices and suddenly a little voice: Hello, do you want to come and chat?

Obviously she accepted the invitation and joined the group of Women. She introduced herself, they introduced themselves, and they adopted her!

Elyasa came from a big city, where people are always in a hurry, chat? No!!!

The most heard phrases are: I'm tired, stressed, I don't have time for anything...

That thing about chatting, inviting her? All this was very strange!

Also, people are very kind. They smile, they talk to her!!

On the sidewalks there were always encounters, they greeted each other, they asked about their families, and then they continued on their way.

She came from a city where people have no time.

Little by little she became integrated, greeting, smiling, chatting. And finally she recovered the joy of working, of creating, which completed her, which made the absences and changes more bearable.

And the day came  (text in the audio)

And the day came. Elyasa understood, that was what it was all about. Baring the soul, putting it on paper. Writing it. Her way of being was always emotional and she had no qualms about showing it, of course only with those she felt were close in affection, in love.

Tell her story? Why? For what? It was not about telling her feelings, her loves, the filial ones, the friendly ones. Her passions. Because she had them! Important ones!

She always assumed responsibilities as much as she could. Because like everyone it was not easy for her, there were difficult moments. But she always accepted them. Did she have a habit? A way of solving them?

First she sat down, rested her arms on the table, and depending on the subject she cried a lot. When the tears relieved her soul she took pencil and paper, put down the pros and cons of the situation to be resolved. And she always found a way.

She lived love intensely. The anger, the fights, the reconciliations. The romance… Because she was very romantic!!

Life went on, the family they formed was the pillar of their lives.

And the day came. Their love was on another level. She was left alone. And as always she cried and then she accommodated, as best she knew how and could, that new stage.

But the life lived stayed forever in her soul. In those she loves so deeply that it hurts. Always accepting that the same thing happened to all human beings.

Love, birth, growth, stages that close. And she took care of that time, she treasured it. Until God wanted it.

First she cried, she took pencil and paper. And then she accepted.

New suns. Other shadows, always the same love.

And she heard a little childish voice that said… That's life.

And the day arrived….  (text in the audio)

And the day arrived… Time to open the bundle so well kept, put them in their places.

By hand, as it is said!!

And when each part of her life was in its place, which Elyasa placed with great care and thought!!.. She received a message!

A small note that she was able to solve immediately. Then she received a photo.

Unexpectedly! That gave her great joy!


Elyasa said to herself: my greatest wish has come true!

The house will not be silent, nor with closed windows and doors. There will be laughter, games, toys in the corners!

She felt deeply that she was at peace.

The future was in good hands. Those of the children!!

First she sighed, then she smiled.

… That's life.

Hug (Ancestors 2023 - 03/2023)

The hug always contains feeling, emotion.

It can be about love, friendship, support, consolation, celebrating the meeting.

What cannot be expressed with words, can be expressed with a tight hug.

The hug... whoever receives it feels understood, accompanied, loved!

Unexpected hugs! That surprise us, make us happy and lighten our walk.

There are hugs that last, that even in the absence, we feel their presence.

Hugs. Always hugs.

I wait for you to share the Hug Celebration.

Edited by: Agustina Sarabia

Stitches (Ancestors II - 03/2022)

Contemplating the thrilling and exciting journey of humanity through history, my gaze stopped at the sewing patterns, an abstract element in fashion, which I use in my works and artist's books.

Today I see them from another perspective. Like maps, routes traveled by the human being which bind, interlock  and sometimes become music scores.

And there appears the Needle! Always present.

And magically and harmoniously they join the patterns as the thread that unites generations. Stitches with knots that strecht into the future.

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