Visual artist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist.
She lives in Buenos Aires and has worked in paper art, contemporary jewellery, artist book, textile art, collage, experimental calligraphy.
She attended the workshops of Edgardo Madanes (UNA), Dolores Casares, Carolina Chocron; art seminars by Alicia Romero and Marcelo Giménez (Centro Cromos), Fabiana Barreda and calligraphy with Yukimi Annand.
She attended artist´s workshop with Ticio Escobar and Leila Tschopp. She investigates the resonances between art and psychoanalysis in the Department of Psychoanalysis…Art, of the ICdeBA (Clinical Institute of Buenos Aires).
She participated in exhibitions in the country and abroad: E. Sívori Museum of Visual Arts and El Obrador Centro Creativo Buenos Aires, Feria Editores Emergentes de León, VI Miniprint Internacional Cantabria, Atelier des Empreintes Montsoreau, Portland State University, Galería Retroavangarda Warsaw, Edinburgh Central Library, MAD Museum NY, Franz Mayer Museum DF, Manggha Museum Krakow, Museum of Religions Taipei, Munich International Trade Fair, among others.
Her works received recognition from the Merit Award Art Domain Group Leipzig (2016); Sofia Paper Art Fest (2016-2014); National Exhibition of Textile Art, R. Raggio Museum (2014).
( … ) Y oh J OY (NAT Art Residence - 09/2023)
A cave, matter of time
Starting point
A spatial and temporal dimension different from the usual one.
Twists, flags, holes, curves, folds, infinite shapes carved by the movement of water follow one another. I walk through them with attentive eyes and feet.
The stalactites and stalagmites, which take thousands of years to grow just a few millimetres, the sediments that testify to moments of human occupation, drawings, indecipherable signs, colors and reflections of the mineral deposits; and in particular, the gallery of dots in the El Castillo cave, catch my eye. There are more than a hundred red dots painted in lines that I cannot interpret and I only steal three for myself. These are my three ellipses (…)
I let myself be carried away by childhood memories: curiosity about archaeology and geology. However, this fascination is interrupted by a question and the project is written from there, almost like an exercise in personal seismography.
The materials: time, light, reflections, colors, papers, sounds, words, mistakes, body.
What and how to say it?
A cave, sounding box
( … ) Y oh J OY
A question bothers me. It is an echo that does not go out. Wakes me up.
How, how to give thickness to today?
Fleeting, elusive, I can't stop it. I don't know.
Today, I don't know...
I search in sediments of the past and fail.
I try to write what escapes and I hear myself say: “YOY”
Surprised, that lapse encourages me: YOY… Y (oh) OY”… “Y (J) JOY.”
Without waiting, without knowing, I hug it.
Note: The title is a play on Spanish words among
Y (and),
YO (me),
HOY (Today) and the English word
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Colors and Reflections I
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Colors and Reflections II
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Loose Letters
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Work process
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